My name is John Petersson and is 57 year and I live in Denmark and are a radio amatuer and have been this since 1993 where I got a D licens. This is only for VHF/UHF and 6 Meter.
Some years later the D licens was changed to a A licens so I could also use HF.
I was away from the radio from 2000 to 2018 of different reasons, and have been on the radio since.
I started using 6 Mtr, and I was a part of the danish DXgroup OZ6MTR
Today I am using 6,10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80 Mtr.
I am working on USB/LSB, CW, FT4, FT8
My main log program i HRD Deluxe, and this program is sending contact to:
I normally registrate all contact on the fly
2000 - 2018
You can check my log by pressing on the link and go to QRZ and check if you are in the log.
OZ2JOP - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio
You can also check my live log in Clublog, use the link below
I have always been working with IT and today I am working in a big company that are in most countries in the world and have been working with every thing in IT since I started working.